Sunday 15 August 2010

WestBoro Baptist Church! Not the True Message Of Christ!

This church goes around,protesting concerts, with signs that say "God hates the Gays!" They have protested Justin Bieber's concert, Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert etc! Instead of that, they should be getting their facts right! I have a question for them, I'm saved and all my main priority in life is to preach the gospel and get souls saved! I'm not going to go around condemning people in the name of Jesus! Jesus is a loving God and they are putting out the wrong message! Fair enough sin is sin and homosexuality is a sin, but God don't hate you for your sin, He hates your sin! I don't agree with homosexuality but neither do I agree with lying or fornication! I wouldn't support fornication as much as I don't support homosexuality! Just preach the message of Jesus! The truth of Jesus! Not your doctrine! Preach the Bible's word, not Man's word! The bible even says, "He without sin cast the very first stone" John 8 vs 7. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, so no-one has a right to judge! The Homosexual and the liar go to the same hell! We are all sinners no-one can say they haven't lied! The difference between me and the homosexual is that, I'm saved and redeemed and have turned away from a life of sin, love your neighbour, preach to him, but don't condemn and judge him as if you are perfect for there is only one perfect one and that is Christ Jesus! So to everyone reading this, I'm sorry on behalf of the Westboro Church, God loves you, but he doesn't love your sin or mine! Try Jesus, You'll love him

Jesus I be praising, Cos He be so amazing
God Bless You

Saturday 14 August 2010

New Bible Reading Plan!

I've started a new bible reading plan, which is basically going to help me read my bible in 3 months! Yes the whole bible in 3 months! Its going take dedication but day 1 hasn't been so bad, i love the book of Genesis! Praise Jesus though! He's so amazing!

Jesus I be praising, Cos He be so amazing

Sho Baraka's "We Can Be More" (Official) Video .mov

Love This song! My song of the moment!

Look What I found!

Its a Christian website/radio show thing! You should check it out there are some anointed songs and stuff! All Christian! You'll like it and trust me, cos I'm picky you'll like it! check out

Tuesday 10 August 2010

One Minute Sermon

I need you, Father

Jackiee here!
There's been a lot going on these days! been kinda sad! Well i went to this girls house and then we had an argument! so it elevated to something bigger and to wrap it up I'm not allowed to go to church any more... its rough and i feel so distant from God... i don't blame him... i was kinda upset with him but that's stupid and now its like i really want him back but will he take me back?
So I didn't even get to go to boot'camp this year and that's because of the people in our church, so I shouldn't blame God but i felt as though He got my hopes up , by softening my mum up to let me go but then let me down by making the people in my church be so stupid! They have favourites there and our youth leader will always go to their defence she lies, what kind of woman of God is that? Its really gay! Now I'm just waiting for my results and looking for a new church... preferably Potters House! God help and forgive me!