Tuesday 10 August 2010

I need you, Father

Jackiee here!
There's been a lot going on these days! been kinda sad! Well i went to this girls house and then we had an argument! so it elevated to something bigger and to wrap it up I'm not allowed to go to church any more... its rough and i feel so distant from God... i don't blame him... i was kinda upset with him but that's stupid and now its like i really want him back but will he take me back?
So I didn't even get to go to boot'camp this year and that's because of the people in our church, so I shouldn't blame God but i felt as though He got my hopes up , by softening my mum up to let me go but then let me down by making the people in my church be so stupid! They have favourites there and our youth leader will always go to their defence she lies, what kind of woman of God is that? Its really gay! Now I'm just waiting for my results and looking for a new church... preferably Potters House! God help and forgive me!

1 comment:

  1. Thats really sad i feel for you! hope you find a new church
