Sunday 18 April 2010

Another One Gone...

So it was just like yesterday when I posted on Agnes...But today another one is gone...

Wesley Sterling was stabbed and he was only 16 again my age. What has this world come to? youth stabbing youth etc... its really late right now and I'm quite vexed about this.... he was stabbed at a party and you know I'm not into the whole partying hype but I feel sorry for him and his family...

To the guys who stabbed him...
You took someone's life all because you wanted to get to a party! Yeah well God sees! Jesus is coming back soon and when you die and stand in front of God you'll see that you made a huge mistake! You killed someone and even though the police might not find you God will find you...

I have nothing to say other than Wesley's family turn to God at this time... I have no idea how you are feeling right now but if you turn to God, He'll be there for you..

Goodbye Wesley

1 comment:

  1. just keep praying for wesley's family in these hard times...
