Thursday 15 April 2010

Found on Youtube...

Basically there was a man on Youtube who was writing satanic poems then a Christian guy was replying them with Christian poems... I am only gonna post the Christian ones. So enjoy....

Defeated, the demons scream as they leave me.
The angels have driven them out
By the power of God,
The King of kings and Lord of lords.
Miracles performed on Sabbath Day.
Only He is strong enough for my fear.
The Sun goes out, struggling to give its last light.
The Earth itself tries to escape from His Majesty.
I no longer need to run or to hide.
I've been saved from the sinful world.
It is the end of the world, the day of the Lord

How long have we been in this darkness?
I'm still following the Light.
I'm not deceived by fools.
This path isn't easy, but it's worth it
If it leads to God's feet.
He is the only source of light.
His words, the only truth.
I soak in the smallest fraction of His love
And I am complete.
Satan rebels against his superior,
But already knows that he will fail.
He knows that he will dwell in flames,
The Lake of Fire is his eternal punishment

The grave has been conquered,
The dead come to life.
The impossible is carried out
As the Word is written on our hearts.
God's children realize their heritage.
The universe is going under,
Destroyed by our sin,
Separated from God's plan.
God made the perfect creation,
And humans added their destruction.
Who's more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?
But we reject their arroagance and follow wisdom.
If destruction is what you want, keep separating us from God.

The cross is a symbol of death,
We die to sin and live in Christ.
Death was defied in Christ's power,
And so we will defy death
In the name of our one true God.
The Earth shakes in Satan's rage.
People travel on every path,
But all but one lead to Hell.
The day Jesus' blood spilled,
Satan foolishly thought it was over.
He celebrated as Christ laid in Hell.
The curtain was torn by God's pain.
But Jesus Christ lives again.

Amen that's some serious anointing right there! Wow God bless this dude and he's only 16, that's what I mean when I say the youth are rising up.

1 comment:

  1. truly powerful and anointed!! wow!!! thats really good
