Friday 16 April 2010

Was She Saved??

Was she saved? was the first question that came to mind when I heard about the shooting of Agnes Sina-Inakoju, 16, what pains me the most is that she is my age and that if she wasn't saved she would've just stepped into eternity in hell and that's what hurts the most. There's nothing that we can do now other than pray for the demented fool who shot her. This girl didn't deserve to die and no-one I repeat no-one has the right to take away someone's life other the Father.

To the fool who shot her, here goes....
I pray that one day in the close future you will realise that you may have just sent someone to hell for eternity and that their blood is on your hands, you may try to wash it off but its on your hands. You have broken one of the 10 commandments and I am pretty sure that a moron like you would've broken more. I'm not saying that I'm perfect and that I haven't sinned because I have but I've given my life to Christ and you need to as well, because I'm pretty sure that there's going to be someone coming for you to avenge the death of this innocent girl and when you die and (if you aren't saved) spend eternity in hell, you will forever be tormented by this and your conscience will tell you off how you should've repented and how you shouldn't have done this stupid thing that you did. Imagine if you had a sister or niece or close cousin who you heard got shot how would you feel about this? I have nothing else to say other than repent for the Kingdom of God is near.

To Agnes' family may the Lord our God comfort you during your time of mourning, turn to him because He is our Comforter.
God Bless You

****I Cry Tears For The Unsaved, All Those Lost And Not In Christ, Oh Lord Guide Them Back To You.****

1 comment:

  1. its actually such a shame it just shows the end of times!!
