Sunday 15 August 2010

WestBoro Baptist Church! Not the True Message Of Christ!

This church goes around,protesting concerts, with signs that say "God hates the Gays!" They have protested Justin Bieber's concert, Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert etc! Instead of that, they should be getting their facts right! I have a question for them, I'm saved and all my main priority in life is to preach the gospel and get souls saved! I'm not going to go around condemning people in the name of Jesus! Jesus is a loving God and they are putting out the wrong message! Fair enough sin is sin and homosexuality is a sin, but God don't hate you for your sin, He hates your sin! I don't agree with homosexuality but neither do I agree with lying or fornication! I wouldn't support fornication as much as I don't support homosexuality! Just preach the message of Jesus! The truth of Jesus! Not your doctrine! Preach the Bible's word, not Man's word! The bible even says, "He without sin cast the very first stone" John 8 vs 7. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, so no-one has a right to judge! The Homosexual and the liar go to the same hell! We are all sinners no-one can say they haven't lied! The difference between me and the homosexual is that, I'm saved and redeemed and have turned away from a life of sin, love your neighbour, preach to him, but don't condemn and judge him as if you are perfect for there is only one perfect one and that is Christ Jesus! So to everyone reading this, I'm sorry on behalf of the Westboro Church, God loves you, but he doesn't love your sin or mine! Try Jesus, You'll love him

Jesus I be praising, Cos He be so amazing
God Bless You

Saturday 14 August 2010

New Bible Reading Plan!

I've started a new bible reading plan, which is basically going to help me read my bible in 3 months! Yes the whole bible in 3 months! Its going take dedication but day 1 hasn't been so bad, i love the book of Genesis! Praise Jesus though! He's so amazing!

Jesus I be praising, Cos He be so amazing

Sho Baraka's "We Can Be More" (Official) Video .mov

Love This song! My song of the moment!

Look What I found!

Its a Christian website/radio show thing! You should check it out there are some anointed songs and stuff! All Christian! You'll like it and trust me, cos I'm picky you'll like it! check out

Tuesday 10 August 2010

One Minute Sermon

I need you, Father

Jackiee here!
There's been a lot going on these days! been kinda sad! Well i went to this girls house and then we had an argument! so it elevated to something bigger and to wrap it up I'm not allowed to go to church any more... its rough and i feel so distant from God... i don't blame him... i was kinda upset with him but that's stupid and now its like i really want him back but will he take me back?
So I didn't even get to go to boot'camp this year and that's because of the people in our church, so I shouldn't blame God but i felt as though He got my hopes up , by softening my mum up to let me go but then let me down by making the people in my church be so stupid! They have favourites there and our youth leader will always go to their defence she lies, what kind of woman of God is that? Its really gay! Now I'm just waiting for my results and looking for a new church... preferably Potters House! God help and forgive me!

Tuesday 15 June 2010



Sunday 18 April 2010

Another One Gone...

So it was just like yesterday when I posted on Agnes...But today another one is gone...

Wesley Sterling was stabbed and he was only 16 again my age. What has this world come to? youth stabbing youth etc... its really late right now and I'm quite vexed about this.... he was stabbed at a party and you know I'm not into the whole partying hype but I feel sorry for him and his family...

To the guys who stabbed him...
You took someone's life all because you wanted to get to a party! Yeah well God sees! Jesus is coming back soon and when you die and stand in front of God you'll see that you made a huge mistake! You killed someone and even though the police might not find you God will find you...

I have nothing to say other than Wesley's family turn to God at this time... I have no idea how you are feeling right now but if you turn to God, He'll be there for you..

Goodbye Wesley

Friday 16 April 2010

Was She Saved??

Was she saved? was the first question that came to mind when I heard about the shooting of Agnes Sina-Inakoju, 16, what pains me the most is that she is my age and that if she wasn't saved she would've just stepped into eternity in hell and that's what hurts the most. There's nothing that we can do now other than pray for the demented fool who shot her. This girl didn't deserve to die and no-one I repeat no-one has the right to take away someone's life other the Father.

To the fool who shot her, here goes....
I pray that one day in the close future you will realise that you may have just sent someone to hell for eternity and that their blood is on your hands, you may try to wash it off but its on your hands. You have broken one of the 10 commandments and I am pretty sure that a moron like you would've broken more. I'm not saying that I'm perfect and that I haven't sinned because I have but I've given my life to Christ and you need to as well, because I'm pretty sure that there's going to be someone coming for you to avenge the death of this innocent girl and when you die and (if you aren't saved) spend eternity in hell, you will forever be tormented by this and your conscience will tell you off how you should've repented and how you shouldn't have done this stupid thing that you did. Imagine if you had a sister or niece or close cousin who you heard got shot how would you feel about this? I have nothing else to say other than repent for the Kingdom of God is near.

To Agnes' family may the Lord our God comfort you during your time of mourning, turn to him because He is our Comforter.
God Bless You

****I Cry Tears For The Unsaved, All Those Lost And Not In Christ, Oh Lord Guide Them Back To You.****

Thursday 15 April 2010

This is What God's doing in my life right now...

Been going through some stuff, doubt, all that craziness but i realise that its all a strategy of the enemy and that when i overcome it, its God working in me! by praying it helps me to grow, reading my bible etc it all helps! i'mma keep fightin until my God returns. Amen

Found on Youtube...

Basically there was a man on Youtube who was writing satanic poems then a Christian guy was replying them with Christian poems... I am only gonna post the Christian ones. So enjoy....

Defeated, the demons scream as they leave me.
The angels have driven them out
By the power of God,
The King of kings and Lord of lords.
Miracles performed on Sabbath Day.
Only He is strong enough for my fear.
The Sun goes out, struggling to give its last light.
The Earth itself tries to escape from His Majesty.
I no longer need to run or to hide.
I've been saved from the sinful world.
It is the end of the world, the day of the Lord

How long have we been in this darkness?
I'm still following the Light.
I'm not deceived by fools.
This path isn't easy, but it's worth it
If it leads to God's feet.
He is the only source of light.
His words, the only truth.
I soak in the smallest fraction of His love
And I am complete.
Satan rebels against his superior,
But already knows that he will fail.
He knows that he will dwell in flames,
The Lake of Fire is his eternal punishment

The grave has been conquered,
The dead come to life.
The impossible is carried out
As the Word is written on our hearts.
God's children realize their heritage.
The universe is going under,
Destroyed by our sin,
Separated from God's plan.
God made the perfect creation,
And humans added their destruction.
Who's more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?
But we reject their arroagance and follow wisdom.
If destruction is what you want, keep separating us from God.

The cross is a symbol of death,
We die to sin and live in Christ.
Death was defied in Christ's power,
And so we will defy death
In the name of our one true God.
The Earth shakes in Satan's rage.
People travel on every path,
But all but one lead to Hell.
The day Jesus' blood spilled,
Satan foolishly thought it was over.
He celebrated as Christ laid in Hell.
The curtain was torn by God's pain.
But Jesus Christ lives again.

Amen that's some serious anointing right there! Wow God bless this dude and he's only 16, that's what I mean when I say the youth are rising up.

Monday 12 April 2010

Draw the Line...

Alright so I know that most of you have heard the New York song....
yeah well Jay Z nicely says that "Jesus cant save you"
WHAT??? How dare he???
He is going to hell for eternity unless he repents
He cant save you!!! and yet you still worship him!!
If he were to diss Mohammed all them Muslims would go mad... but us 'Christians' would still sing along to that evil music!!!!
Yeh feel the conviction....
Think about it... Repent and change your ways

Godly Swagger

Now... please don't misunderstand this page... We are not introducing any LAWS here about clothing etc...

Remember we were saved by faith, and we continue to walk by faith not by works nor by upholding any laws...

This is advice, pure and simple, presented in a light-hearted way... to assist you guys in a holy and upright walk before God. Please apply these suggestions as the Holy Spirit leads you, and gives you revelation...

We are not suggesting that everybody should dress the same either... But whether your swagger is smart, formal, casual, baggy, rough, or unique... there are some basic principles that you should consider, so that you present yourself well... and so that you do not lead the sisters into sin

1) - Caps & Sunglasses

In most cultures it is considered rude for a man to keep his head covered inside.

There is a Biblical foundation for this practice.

1 Corinthians 7:11 says: "A man ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God".

Verse 4 of the same chapter says: "Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered, dishonours his head." This is a symbolic jesture, as the head 'represents' Christ... as verse 3 tells us: 'The head of every man, is Christ'. Christ is to be boldly upheld and glorified, and not covered up...

There is a beautiful truth about this section of scripture, which is too deep for this article... and as it is not our intention to bring people under legalism, we will just present it as a common principle that we should remove our caps/hoods in the house of God..

Now that might present some of you with the following problem...

Half finished hair!...

The simple answer to this not start getting cornrow at 2am on a Saturday night!!!

Also guys... remove your sunglasses in the house of God please! Nobody is 'cool' as far as God is concerned...

Trying to maintain an 'image' is self-worship and pride, and there is no place for that in the Lords presence....

Also, we need to be able to see each others eyes if we wanna have proper communication with our brothers and sisters!...

2) Flirtatious Clothing
Ok, so we have all done it...'dressed to impress'... and I'm not talking about impressing the supervisor. We like to show off our best features...

As good as it feels to have girls telling you that 'you have a nice ass', or 'you have an impressive physique'... in doing this we are engaging in self-worship, and also encouraging sinful desires in the ladies.

There may be some circumstances where it is vital and appropriate to wear tight-fitting clothes, eg: the gym, sports, etc... But it is becoming an increasingly common habit for guys (especially muscular guys) to turn up to church wearing t-shirts that are so tight, they almost cut off your circulation.

Certain pastors are even doing this now... and in the words of Minister G. Craige Lewis of Ex-Ministries... "Why you trying to be sexy, in Church?"

Come on guys, you know how difficult it is not to notice the cleavage on the low tops, the shape of the breasts when girls wear them tight tops, and don't get me started on apple bottom jeans...

If you have respect for the ladies in your church, or even in your workplace, college or neighbourhood, and if you have respect for yourself and your future wife, do your best to remove all lust directed at you!

3) Wear a belt!
I shouldn't even have to mention this one...but I've visited a lot of Churches and nobody seems to be saying anything about this...

I don't know if you noticed it? But this guy's ass is hanging out. Now, not only do we have the same issues here as in the point raised above... but this is taking it to the next level.

There are 2 common theories about the root of what we call 'low batty' here in the UK, (sagging)... and both originate in prison.

Theory 1) - Often male prisoners experiment with homosexual sex when serving a long prison sentence, and in some prisons it is thought that the raped 'prettyboys' wear their trousers low like this to indicate to other rapists that they are already somebody else's 'property'

Theory 2) - In many prisons, the inmates have to remove their belts, as belts are often used in suicide attempts. This means that a lot of guys jeans no longer fit properly.

Root 1 = Homosexual Spirit

Root 2 = Defiant/Rebellious Spirit

Which ever of these is the true root... both theories are valid. Even if you just consider it part of your 'swagger'... quite clearly it is disrespectful to show your ass. Those of you who pull your jeans or joggers down like this are manifesting defiance and rebellion, and you are also inciting a homosexual spirit too.. dont pretend you don't realise that it is mostly men that are checking you out. Guys, pull up your trousers and have some self respect.

I also feel lead to suggest that the trend of 'bisexual' behaivour is increasing these days and you actions have a great affect on the 11, 12 and 13 year old boys that are watching the way you dress. They do NOT need to see your ass. The devil will begin to lie to them about why they are looking.

4) Don't show off
Ask yourself this when you dress: Who are you trying to attract people to? Yourself? or Jesus Christ?

There is nothing wrong with looking nice, and dressing well. But we are called to a lifestyle of humility. Paul says this in Galatians 6:14 "May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord".

It really annoys me when I see pastors preaching in clothes that cost more than most peoples monthly wage...

I would go so far as to say this... If several people come up to you in church and says to you something like... "bwoi, i like your chain" or "where u get them creps? (trainers)"... you have got it all wrong. You have drawn attention to yourself. You have become the centre of attention. You have taken peoples eyes of Christ, and put them on you!.. Remember God said "I will share my glory with NO MAN!"... so be careful how you dress!

5) Logo's
I have become very careful not to wear anything which may give people the impression that I am endorsing somebody or something ungodly...
Why would a Christian wear clothes with logos representing death, freemasonry or satanic symbology, or even the clever spelling on French Connection UK. Be careful who you endorse on your clothes, and... just a thought... all them caps and tshirts with the Chinese writing on it... Do you have any idea what it says?

When somebody looks at you, especially somebody who knows you are a Chrsitian. Do not give them any cause for confusion.

6) Dress like a man
Do I need to say anymore?... I mean, I ain't hatin pink... Some of you callin it 'gangsta pink' now... But come on guys!... When you dress... look in the mirror and ask yourself this...

Could anybody think I'm a homosexual by lookin at the way I am dressed?

As I stated at the beginning of this article.... We are not trying to bring in a list of laws that... if you follow... you have passed... You are dressed like a Christian...


We just wanna challenge you to think about how you are dressing, especially in the house of God so that:

1) - You look respectful

2) - You are not encouraging the ladies to sin

3) - You are not displaying rebellion

4) - You are not showing off

5) - You are not reppin some ungodly company/logo

6) - You do not look gay

7) - The Lord is glorified!

Be encouraged.... If you enjoyed reading this article, or if you found it helpful or inspiring, we would be grateful if you would post the link ( to your facebook wall (or on your bebo/twitter/myspace page) to help promote this ministry, and get the message out there...

Godly Swagger

I'm gonna be posting on Godly Swagger...
Courtesy of
visit their website!

The Uprising

Unprecedented, uncompromising, and unashamed best describes “THE UPRISING,” Steelroots’ reality television show. This series follows born again pro skateboarders Jay Haizlip, Christian Hosoi, and Brian Sumner in their everyday lives as they spread the gospel. The second season brings you deeper as the trio, committed to affecting the world around them, shares their faith and hope with a generation written off and marked for dead. Misconceptions of Christianity will be shattered as their unconventional approach to modern day evangelism reaches across cultural boundaries. With guest appearances by some of today’s top pros, “The UPRISING” delivers the future of skateboarding right to your doorstep. Experience a journey of boldness and faith as lives are restored, people accept Christ, and fellowship abounds. You will agree that the time is NOW! This is “THE UPRISING.”


Catholic Church is A CULT!!!!!1
They are preaching a different gospel... dont be fooled
telling you that you can get to heaven through deeds, praying to Mary, by baptisms by rosary,
Salvation is by faith and Christ alone not by the pope or mary or even any of that holy holy rubbish!
dont be decieved

A New Poem....

Lord I Will run to you,
You can get me through,
I trust in you and you direct my path,
You saved me from your wrath,
You are my shelter, my friend,
I will follow you to the end,
I will wait for you to come back,
I sincerely hope I don't lack,
Jesus you're my firm foundation,
You blessed me with salvation,
You gave me that Revelation,
That Revelation of Salvation.

A Christian Clothing Line....

This label was created by 2 guys who got saved and found peace in Jesus Christ. Therefore that's where the name Shalom comes from! Check out their blog and you can but their clothes at!

More on Christianity

Sinner's Prayer? That's Not For Me - I'm Not a Sinner!
"Sinner" is a word that gets a bad rap these days - and well it should. Unfortunately, the bad rap it is getting is for the wrong reasons. Confronted with our shortcomings, we are quick to defend ourselves with words like, "I'm not a sinner! I don't go around sinning! I've never murdered anyone or anything like that!" The problem is, we don't really know what the word sin means. We think it only applies to some despicable act that repulses "church people" who want to hang big scarlet letters around our necks. But sin simply means to miss the mark; to fall short of the goal. The fact is, we are all sinners, for there is no one, save Christ alone, who has lived a life that did not in some way fall short of the perfection God requires. We all deserve to pay the penalty for that sin, which is to spend eternity in hell.

Sinner's Prayer - What the Bible Says About Sin
Sin, according to the Bible, is any action that violates the law given by God in the Ten Commandments. The law was given by God to show us what it means to live a life deserving of God's love. It was also given to show us that none of us can live that kind of life. God knew that in advance, and that is why He sent His Son Jesus to be that perfect life for us. Jesus, God in human flesh, voluntarily laid aside His God-hood to connect with us, to show us He understands us and to give us a way to be reconciled to the Father, since none of us can keep the law to its letter. "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).

Some say that sin is two letters, "s" and "n", with "I" in the middle. We elevate ourselves, and certainly we live in a time when that thinking is being promoted. Sin may be something we can't be free of, but the good news is we can be free of its penalty. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23)

Sinner's Prayer - Become a Sinner Saved by Grace!
What's the key to the Sinner's Prayer? As long as we are content to live in sin, the Bible says we are separated from God. That condition may seem fine for a while, but it ultimately leads to misery and then to eternal separation from God. "There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 16:25). The good news is that God Himself has made a way for us to be reconciled to Him, and He has done this through His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 5:6-15).

What about you? Are you content to live for yourself, get the most toys, and die anyway? Or do you want a life of purpose and hope? God, the One who created you, has a purpose for your life and wants to give you a new beginning. If you are ready to admit your need for a clean slate in life, the God of second chances is waiting to give it to you. All you have to do is start with the Sinner's Prayer.

Sinner's Prayer - Recognizing the Need
The "Sinner's Prayer" is a term that describes the words spoken by a person when he or she has recognized their sin and their need for a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It goes something like this:

“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”
If you decided to repent of your sins and receive Christ today, welcome to God's family. Now, as a way to grow closer to Him, the Bible tells us to follow up on our commitment.
Get baptized as commanded by Christ.
Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ.
Spend time with God each day. It does not have to be a long period of time. Just develop the daily habit of praying to Him and reading His Word. Ask God to increase your faith and your understanding of the Bible.
Seek fellowship with other followers of Jesus. Develop a group of believing friends to answer your questions and support you.
Find a local church where you can worship God

Saturday 27 March 2010

Hey Guys

Since I'm a Christian I thought I should let you in on some IMPORTANT info.

All you may know there has been a lot of natural disasters and also you know a lot of tragic things happening!

Well JESUS.. is coming back!! Are you ready??
Give your life to Christ because you don't want to be left behind when the rapture happens...
This is how you'll know that the rapture has occurred
1. millions of people will disappear (Christians and the innocent)
2. there will be a one religion
3. there will also be peace with Israel
4. Empty graves
5. Churches will be empty
6. one leader
7. W.W.3
8. Pain, terror, agony, famine like never before
9. rise of the Anti-Christ....

People I warn you fix up before its too late and i pray that who ever reads this will think about what has been said!

If you arent a Christian but you want to be then say this prayer and you'll be free

Heavenly Father, I know that I have sinned against you and that my sins separate me from you. I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my sinful past and turn to you for forgiveness. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become my Savior and the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to convict me when I sin. I pledge to grow in grace and knowledge of you. My greatest purpose in life is to follow your example and do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen

After that tell your friends, family so that they too can be in heaven with you
God bless

Thursday 11 March 2010

One in a Million

Many people I know but he is truly genuine,
With him I know that I will always win,
Every secret I have I'll always let him know,
He holds my hand to the end, he wont let go,
No tear will be shed when he is there,
All I see in his eyes are love and care,
He knows who I am when no-one is there,
Don't have to hide under the make-up and fancy hair,
He is my shining light in the darkness,
He bails me out of any mess,
Like a lawyer he pleads my case,
I have wronged him but he's shown me grace,
Tears flow down my eyes as I think of how he died for me,
I was bound in sin but now I'm free,
Not one in a million,
But even a billion,
In our pain he always sees us,
One in a million that's Jesus


My name is Jackie and i am a poet how cool is that!!